Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Just Breathe

The tip of the day for the Stetch X video is “just breathe” and that sounds easy enough. But the truth is that breathing isn’t always easy – especially when you’re stretching. This was only my second time with this video, as this is our second P90X Recovery week. As you can probably guess, when given the choice to “Stretch or Rest” well, that’s a no brainer. We always opted to “Rest.” Not sure if resting is the proper term. We normally still lift weights at lunch time. The P90X sheet should say “Stretch X or gain an extra hour of your day.” I have nothing against stretching, but getting an extra hour in my day is glorious.

So last night was my second Stretch X video and my husband’s first. We were both not mentally into it. We were both tired. My husband must have yawned 50 times within the first 10 minutes. Then we got silly. Watching Karlo contorting his body is quite humorous (stretching has never been one of his strong points). But we both started laughing at the stupidest things. Maybe we are getting burnt out. We are losing our minds.

I have to say, I’m glad we stuck it out despite not having our hearts into it. The neck and shoulder pain that I’ve been struggling with for the past two months felt much better from the stretching. I was amazed, overall, at how much more flexible I have become since starting P90X. The increased flexibility is just as exciting as the increased strength. You know the saying, “you are only as young as your spine is flexible.” Don’t blow off the stretching!

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