A couple of years ago I started a fun little project. Because I had such a hard time throwing away my favorite magazines, I decided to cut them up and save only the parts that interested me. It started with me ripping out pages that included articles or recipes, but it soon turned into cutting out little words and pictures. Anything that caught my eye got cut out and pasted into what I began to call my "Happiness Book." Rather than keeping stacks upon stacks of magazines all over the house, I now had one consolidated book to turn to for all the 'fun stuff' that I wanted to keep from every issue. Not only did the resulting book(s) end up being great mood boosters, but the entire process turned into a weekly stress-relieving ritual. I make a cup a tea and sit with my previously-read magazines and just go to town with a pair of scissors and a glue stick.
Two years later I'm on my third book and I get such a kick out of looking back at all my various inspirational, smile-inducing pages that I thought I should start sharing them . . . spreading the joy if you will. So every week I will plan to post one page from my "Happiness Books" for everyone to see. Maybe it will bring you some inspiration. Maybe it will improve your mood. Or maybe it will just make you smile :-)
You are awesome, and MY inspiration. :)
Well, that totally made my day :-) Thank you Sandy!!!
So neat, thanks for sharing some happiness.
That was an awesome idea. Thank you for sharing your happiness. Now I want to create happiness books of my own ....
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