Thursday, December 06, 2012
Free Shipping for a Limited Time
Monday, December 03, 2012
OM for the Holidays Necklace
Saturday, December 01, 2012
YogaDudes December Desktop Calendar
Sunday, November 25, 2012
New Products and Free Shipping
Here are some great gift suggestions:
OM Dangle European Charm
This item was just added to the YogaDudes shop. At the moment supplies are very limited, but more will soon be on the way. This charm is regularly priced at $12.99, but is now on sale for $8.99 and can be purchased here in the shop.
YogaDudes Bubble Earrings
These bubble earrings are just plain fun. They feature the signature "YogaDudes" set in a bezel-type silver setting and hung from surgical steel earring posts. Great on or off the mat and they coordinate with the bubble pendant necklace and the bubble zipper bling. For a limited time these earrings will be on sale for $19.99 (regularly $24.99). They can be found here in the shop.
YogaDudes Holiday Ornament
No home, studio, or tree would be complete around the holidays without adding a little bit of YogaDudes OM. This porcelain ornament measures 3" wide, hangs from a red ribbon, and comes in a little red pouch ready for giving. These ornaments are $14.99 and can be found online here.
OM for the Holiday Glass Pendant Necklace
Why stop the cuteness at the ornament? Why not wear it on your neck throughout the holiday season. You will undoubtedly be the hit of your next yoga class sporting one of these glass pendant necklaces. Regularly priced at $24.99, these necklaces are now on sale for $19.99. They can be found online here.
And don't forget to add the coupon code SHIPMEFREE during checkout to check free shipping. Valid until December 7th, 2912. Happy shopping.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Identifying Fiber Rich Foods
As it turned out it was more of a challenge that I thought it would be. I bought some gummer fiber chews and yucky powdered mixes, but this was hardly the best way to incorporate more fiber into my daily meals. When I'm searching for answers to anything health-related Dr. Oz always come through. Gosh, I love him.
I was delighted to find these graphics on his web site and I thought I should share. Perhaps more people would like to save these for future reference.
And now I'm going to work on trying to convince myself that the pumpkin pie sitting in my fridge does not qualify as my go-to must-have serving of fiber for today.
Monday, November 12, 2012
New YogaDudes Earrings
Our newest addition to the YogaDudes earrings line up are now in stock and ready for the holidays. Each one of these puppies was handmade and it was a long summer of cutting, gluing, and assembling, but the results are worth the effort. These earrings would make the cutest of all stocking stuffers so be sure to grab a pair for your pal and slip your own personal Santa a little wish list hint.
The new "bubble earrings"are normally $24.99 per pair, but we are introducing them at a sale price of just $19.99 from now until the end of November. It pays to be an early holiday shopper. Grab the deal while you can. You can view and purchase the earrings in the YogaDudes shop here. And you can also check out some coordinating accessories like the bubble necklace and the bubble zipper bling.
Friday, November 09, 2012
New Yogi Book Hits the Streets
If you"re looking for a holiday gift for a yogi in your life (and you already got them all the adorable YogaDudes accessories) or maybe you"re shopping for a male yogi, or maybe you just want a little something to read for yourself over the holidays . . . There"s a new book out called Misadventures of a Garden State Yogi: My Humble Quest to Heal my Colitis, Calm my ADD, and Find the Key to Happiness, by Brian Leaf. In the book, the author shares how with no real understanding of the practice he signed up for a yoga class. Little did he realize then how that one class would ultimately set the course for a lifetime of exploration into the healing powers of yoga and other holistic therapies.
Misadventures of a Garden State Yogi details Leaf"s triumphs, trials, and tribulations as he hilariously navigates his way through the world of yoga and holistic health. Along the way, he road trips to visit yoga studios around the country, has a spiritual experience at a Grateful Dead show, cures his chronic ulcerative colitis, and lives at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in his quest to become a certified instructor.“I explored, I traveled, I trained, and I experimented,” writes Leaf. “I searched for a way to feel comfortable and happy. I consulted psychics, scientists, yogis, swamis, Ayurvedic physicians, life coaches, and even (accidentally, I assure you) one prostitute. I tried meditation, herbs, flower essences, psychotherapy, and shouting out my angst…. And, I learned a lot.”
Twenty-one years later, Leaf teaches yoga and meditation, practices multifaceted healing, and is the beloved founder of a holistic tutoring center that helps students — whose ailments he once shared — manage ADD and overcome test and math phobias.
Through his adventures and misadventures, Leaf ultimately discovered eight Keys to Happiness, or rules to live by for health and vitality that he shares throughout the book’s 32 rollicking and wise chapters. Things like: Do yoga and if you already do yoga, do more yoga; cultivate and follow your intuition; apply Ayruvedic wisdom to your daily schedule; meditate; speak and act from your true self; and more.
I got my copy and I"m ready for some peaceful reading over the holidays! Well, one can hope for that anyway. Perhaps the book will help me get through the hectic holidays. You can check out and purchase the book .
Monday, November 05, 2012
Out For Repairs
I will likely be blogging about my recent experience undergoing neck surgery. I have mentioned my "neck condition" several times throughout the past few years in blog posts. It is something that I've been struggling with for years and has recently gotten so bad that I had to quit doing yoga all together this past Spring (gasp). Well, the truth is out. I haven't been doing yoga at all! Gosh, I hate to admit that fact. It's been such a depressing time struggling with the pain and with the fact that I could no longer do the things I love to do. But I'm hoping all that will change now. I'm on the mend and I will explain what I've been through soon.
My computer, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be on the mend at all. I'm without my Adobe products and that's like removing one of my limbs. With any luck both of us will be back in action before December rolls around so you can look forward to the December calendar for sure.
Sunday, November 04, 2012
21-Day Free Meditation Challenge: Creating Abundance
Starting on November 5, 2012, the Chopra Center is offering 21 days of free guided meditations to those who register. A new meditation will be posted to the Web each day and the theme of this particular challenge is "creating abundance."
According to best-selling author, Deepak Chopra, through the guided meditations each day you will “discover and leverage the secrets to attracting abundance.”
You have nothing to lose. Sign up for free and make the 21-day commitment to mediation and more abundance in all areas of your life!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
We're Moving
And if you were following this blog, please update your RSS reader with our new feed which is There is also a handy little "subscribe" button directly on the new blog.
We hope you will follow our blog at our new home on the world wide web. This blog, although will continue to live at this address, will no longer be updated.
Please stay tuned for new product announcements coming soon . . .
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
August Desktop Calendar
Savory the last few weeks of summer by bringing the shore to your desktop. To make this image your desktop background calendar, just click on this link. A new window will appear with a much larger graphic. Once the bigger graphic appears, just right-click on it and "save as desktop."
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Benefits of Eating Chia Seeds
I recently discovered Chia seeds and I'm amazed at the many health benefits they offer. I'm surprised that it took me this long into my quest for optimal health to learn about these little miracle seeds and I thought I should pass along my new discovery. Since I haven't been using these seeds for very long, I can't yet make any claims, but according to my research, chia seeds can have the following benefits:
Reduces Hunger
When a chia seed is exposed to water, it forms a coating of gel, increasing its size and weight. It helps your body think it is full, without adding calories. This alone is worth trying them!
Balance Blood Sugar
The gelling action of the seed, and it’s unique combination of soluble and insoluble fiber combine to slow down your body’s conversion of starches into sugars. If you eat chia with a meal, it will help you turn your food into constant, steady energy rather than a series of ups and downs that wear you out.
Helps Maintain Regularity
With the abundance of over-processed foods and white flour on the market today, rich sources of fiber are harder to come by and irregularity is becoming a more common problem. To help ensure regularity, you need plenty of soluble and insoluble fiber in your diet. Chia seeds are coated with soluble fibers which aid its gelling action and keep the colon hydrated to ensure the easy movement of food.
Adds Healthy Omega-3 Oils
Chia is the richest plant-source of this healthy oil. By weight, chia contains more omega 3 than salmon, but without fishy taste! Omega 3 oil is important in heart and cholesterol health. It’s also recently been targeted as a weight-loss helper.
Have More Energy All Day Long
Your energy levels have a lot to do with what you eat. Chia is one of nature’s highest plant-based sources of complete protein that will raise your energy levels. The combination of complete protein, vitamins, minerals and blood-sugar balancing gel all work together to make sure you have steady energy.
Add age-defying anti-oxidants
Chia seeds are extremely high in anti-oxidants which help prevent free-radical damage in your body. Free radicals lead to problematic conditions such as premature aging of the skin and inflammation of various tissues.
Makes Your Food Taste Even Better
I don't know how it works, but when the seeds hydrate, they magnify the taste of whatever they were added to. Your chocolate pudding can taste more chocolaty. Your smoothie can taste more fruity.
It's certainly worth trying these chia seeds out for yourself and see if you notice any healthy benefits. They can be found in your local health food store. Please look for a future blog posting with suggestions on how to easily incorporate them into your daily meals.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Whole Living Magazine Deal

Have you ever read Whole Living magazine? This magazine brings you the best in healthy living. Whole Living will teach you how to live a healthy, natural life. Learn how to relax, eat right, treat your body right, de-stress, exercise for your health and so much more. Each issue is filled with features, columns and departments that help readers explore natural, holistic health and wellness, personal growth, the environment, spirituality and social change. If you are looking for a healthier way of living, this magazine is just for you!
For today only, you can take advantage of a great deal on a new or renewal subscription. A one year subscription is normally $14.95, but today you can purchase it at 71% off, at just $4.29.
All you need to do to grab this deal is to CLICK HERE to be taken to the offer. You can purchase a brand new subscription or renew the one you already have, but here's the catch . . . the offer is only valid today – Monday, July 30th, so don't delay, click now to grab the deal.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Eating Well Magazine Deal
Eating Well is an award-winning magazine that serves up a delicious balance of crisp, fresh cooking content and must-have nutrition features with a flavorful variety of tasty and healthy recipes. Every issue is packed with delicious recipes and color photographs illustrating what each recipe should look like, smart shopping tips, quick and healthy menus, fresh news from the world of food, nutrition science and news, and creative seasonal recipes that are tasty and easy to make, with ingredients readily available at your grocery store.
All you need to do to grab this deal is to CLICK HERE to be taken to the offer. You can purchase a brand new subscription or renew the one you already have, but here's the catch . . . the offer is only valid today – Thursday, July 26th, so don't delay, click now to grab the deal.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Free Yoga Music
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Healing the Healers
Second Annual Yoga Festival Offers Educational and Restorative Retreat for Healthcare Professionals, August 22-26
Copper Mountain Resort, in the Rockies of Colorado, presents the second annual Mountain Pose Yoga & Medicine Symposium as part of the 2012 summer event lineup. From Wednesday, August 22 through Sunday, August 26, Copper invites medical professionals, yoga enthusiasts and anyone who works in health care to enjoy a weekend of professional development and relaxation in a breathtaking mountain setting. With over 30+ workshops and lectures led by a talented cast of medical and yoga leaders, this educational program has been approved by the AAFP for up to 25 CME credits. Mountain Pose Medicine & Yoga Symposium has been recognized by the Board of Certification, Inc. to offer continuing education for Certified Athletic Trainers.
The Symposium also runs concurrently with Copper's Genuine Jazz and Wine Festival, with Symposium passes granting attendees access to all Jazz and Wine events. If you live anywhere near the Rockies of Colorado you should check out this event. I sure wish I could go!
For more information please visit:
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Great Deal on Shape Magazine
All you need to do to grab this deal is to CLICK HERE to be taken to the offer. You can purchase a brand new subscription or renew the one you already have, but here's the catch . . . the offer is only valid today – Wednesday, July 18th, so don't delay, click now to grab the deal.
Click here to grab the deal.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Natural Heath Magazine on the Cheap
What a bargain for this ultimate guide to a healthy lifestyle! This deal is valid for brand new subscriptions, as well as renewals. All you need to do is click here to be taken to the place where you can purchase the subscription. But here's the catch . . . this deal is only valid today – Tuesday, July 17th. Don't miss it. Just click on the link below.
Click here to grab this deal.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Keeping Fit After 40
I recently found the photo above on Pinterest with a caption that said, "She's 40!" It made me think that being in shape and keeping fit past 40 must be some sort of big accomplishment, especially after seeing some of the comments that women posted on the photo. There is no doubt that it made me feel proud to be over 40 and still be in good shape. So I am going to post the picture below on Pinterest with a caption that says, "She's 43, and she's me." I should also note that this picture was taken 2 months ago and that just happens to be 2 months before my 44th birthday.
So how do I do it? How did I keep fit in my 40s? Well, there really is no magically secret. It's all about self discipline, good nutrition, and working out. OK, maybe genes have something to do with it too, but I don't think that should be an excuse to give up and not try to strive for the best health you can achieve. Not everybody can be pencil thin, but many people can be strong and fit if they didn't use the crutch of having 'fat genes.'
I've spent most of my life trying to be as healthy as I can be. I'm always concerned about what I eat. This doesn't mean I sacrifice and never have sweets and fattening foods. In fact, I often do. But I'm always completely aware that 80% of what makes up my body composition is what I eat. Making good choices is key. And yes, I have a sweet tooth and love my dessert, but I've learned that a bite or two can be just as satisfying as eating the whole serving. When I do splurge on the dish of ice cream of chocolate bar it's often because I just competed a long bike ride or hike. I always feel the need to either earn the treat, or pay for it afterwards.
And it's not just avoiding sweets and fatty foods that is important. I think it's just as important, if not more important to strive to put as much good nutritional food into our bodies as possible. We are eating to fuel our bodies and just like at the gas pump, we have to decide upon the quality of that gas we are putting in. How our cars run and how are bodies run is a direct result of the fuel.
Avoiding candy and carbs is one thing, but going out of our way to eat the "super foods" is another. So much of the America diet is just empty calories, giving us no nutritional value. It is really a challenge in today's age to hunt down the foods that are actually good for us. It takes effort, and unfortunately it costs more, but it's a necessary step in keeping fit.
Eating right and routine exercise are essential in keeping fit. There is no doubt, it just keeps getting harder and harder to do as you get older and the trick is not to stop. It's all about priorities and habits. Build yourself some good ones and just don't quit.
Thursday, July 05, 2012
July Desktop Calendar
It's time to bring a little beach to your computer. To make this image your desktop background calendar, just click on this link. A new window will appear with a much larger graphic. Once the bigger graphic appears, just right-click on it and "save as desktop."
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Good Healthy Snacks as an Alternative to Granola Bars
Are you looking for some good healthy snacks? That sure does seem to be a challenge in today's world, but with a little effort it is possible to keep a low carb diet, eat healthy foods, and still treat your occasional sweet tooth.
Lately, I have been carefully making more healthy choices, paying extra special attention to good nutrition, and trying to maintain a low carb diet. And I have to say, it's not easy. I'm making a concerted effort to reduce the amount of processed foods I consume and I'm paying an awful lot of attention to the nutrition labels. I've been researching the best food to get the most healthy benefits from and during this research I discovered a healthy food that I never even heard of. It's called quinoa and it's pronounced "keen-wah."
Quinoa is a recently rediscovered ancient "grain" that was once called "the gold of the Incas," who recognized its value in increasing the stamina of their warriors. Not only is quinoa high in protein, but the protein it supplies is complete protein, meaning that it includes all nine essential amino acids. Quinoa is also especially well-endowed with the amino acid lysine, which is essential for tissue growth and repair. In addition to protein, quinoa features a host of other health-building nutrients.
I added quinoa to my diet and make a point to have several servings per week. I simply love the stuff. During my search for healthy snacks I was thrilled when I stumbled over a healthy alternative to the granola or protein bar called Keen-Wah Decadence bars. These bars are made from quinoa and produced by a company called YogaEarth. YogaEarth creates their products for optimal health and sustainable living based on Yoga and Ayurvedic practices and that alone is worth checking them out.

These unique quinoa-based super-food bars are 100% organic, vegan, gluten-free and soy free. Built on the concept of Intelligent Indulgence™, Keen-Wah Decadence bars provide high-quality nourishment in a bar that also tastes like a decadent treat!
Not only do the bars taste good, but the best benefit (aside from them being healthy and good for you) is that seem to really keep me full. This never happens from eating normal granola bars, but so far, every time I ate a Keen-Wah Decadence bar I've found that I stayed satisfied for hours. I give them two thumbs up and recommend you try them out if you're searching for truly healthy snacks.
You can shop for these new healthy snacks online here:
Monday, June 25, 2012
Whole Living Magazine Bargain - Today Only
How would you like a one year subscription to Whole Living Magazine for just $4.29? Whole Living brings you the best in healthy living. It will teach you how to live a healthy, natural life. Learn how to relax, eat right, treat your body right, de-stress, exercise for your health and so much more.
What a bargain for this ultimate guide to a healthy lifestyle! This deal is valid for brand new subscriptions, as well as renewals. All you need to do is click on the link below to be taken to the place where you can purchase the subscription. But here's the catch . . . this deal is only valid today, June 25th. Don't miss it. Just click on the link below.
Click here to grab this deal.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
A New Lay-flat, Roll-up Tight Yoga Mat
I came across a brilliant new invention for a yoga mat that solves the problem of your mat rolling up on you when you begin your session . . . and then, not rolling back up nice and tight and neatly when you're done. Everybody struggles with these little annoyances during every yoga session, but it's just something we all deal with. Wouldn't it be nice to have a mat that instantly lays flat and then easily rolls back up? This new mat uses embedded magnets to stay tightly rolled when not in use, and the magnets also serve as weights to keep the mat flat while in use.
A young guy in California has invented it and he just launched a kickstarter campaign to try to raise the necessary funds to bring his Nadi yoga mat to market. Please watch this video that explains and shows off the mat. And then visit his Kickstarter page to get even more info. If you think this is a brilliant idea I encourage you to support him.
Friday, June 01, 2012
June Desktop Calendar
Nothing says June like the beach. Unfortunately we can't always spend all of our time with our feet in the sand, but if you want to bring a little bit of beach to your computer and make this image your desktop background just click on this link. A new window will appear with a much larger graphic. Once the bigger graphic appears, just right-click on it and "save as desktop."
Friday, May 18, 2012
Fitness- A New Weapon Against Cancer
Every one knows that exercise contributes to a healthy life, but for those diagnosed with cancer, working out offers even more benefits. According to the National Cancer Institute, regular exercise can improve patients’ quality of life, body image and response to treatment. New research demonstrates that even a moderate amount of exercise plays a significant role in helping patients cope with a diagnosis and manage day to day living at all stages of the disease.
Dealing with a diagnosis of cancer can leave a patient feeling powerless and frightened. Regular exercise promotes the release of endorphins, mood- boosting hormones that combat stress. Because exercise raises the heart rate and oxygenates the blood, it improves circulation and keeps blood vessels flexible. Working out also supports immune function and strengthens muscles in even bedridden individuals. Not only that, working out can help patients reclaim a sense of control over their lives and improve their overall sense of well-being.
For those coping with the stress of treatment, regular exercise can reduce pain and help ease problems such as digestive discomfort, muscle aches and joint pain. The National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society point out that patients with virtually all forms of cancer, such as mesothelioma, coon cancer and leukemia, can benefit from an exercise program tailored to their level of ability. Regular exercise can help with the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, and can also help to restore mobility and organ function after surgery.
For cancer survivors, working out can be a life-affirming activity that supports their efforts to stay well after cancer. Some survivors run marathons or engage in other fitness activities that confirm their return to normal life. Experts note, though, that because cancer treatments can cause fragility in bones and joints, it’s advisable to work with a trainer familiar with cancer patients who want to plan a return to pre-diagnosis fitness levels.
Cancer patients at all stages of coping with the disease have to deal with many physical changes, such as extreme weight loss, muscle weakness and atrophy, bloating and weight gain, or disfigurement from surgery and treatment. Exercise can build muscle and restore flexibility to scarred tissues, allowing even those with severe mobility problems to move more easily. Working out also helps restore feelings of attractiveness and personal empowerment, which improves quality of life.
Although exercise has clear benefits for cancer patients and survivors, experts on fitness and physical therapy caution that it’s important to plan a fitness regimen that accommodates the changes created by the disease and its treatments, such as weakness, loss of muscle tone and longer term damage to bones and organs from treatments and surgeries. But as recent studies demonstrate, even a little movement can make a big difference in the lives of those suffering from cancers of all kinds.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
We're on Pinterest, Are You?
YogaDudes has recently joined the party and created some boards of our own. They include:
Cool Products
YogaDudes Products
Yoga Photography
Here's a glimpse at what you can find on the "Fitness" board. This is where I turn when I need that extra kick in the pants to motivate me to get moving.
And here's a glimpse at one of my favorite boards "Yoga Photography"
If you are using Pinterest, you can follow all of the YogaDudes boards here. Or you can just follow individual boards. And if you're not yet using, just head on over to and request an invite. You'll be glad you did.
Happy pinning!
Friday, May 04, 2012
It's Amazing What Yoga Can Do
Tuesday, May 01, 2012
Free May Desktop Calendar
Happy Spring everybody! If you want to bring some Spring indoors to your computer and make this image your desktop background just click on this link. A new window will appear with a much larger graphic. Once the bigger graphic appears, just right-click on it and "save as desktop."
Monday, April 30, 2012
Learning to Counting Calories
First off, the reason I decided to do this is because I'm finally to the point where I feel that I can lose a couple pounds. When I say this out loud it's usually met with rolling eyes and nasty remarks from whomever is in earshot. The truth is that I can still easily hide the extra pounds. It's easy to do when you're wearing clothes! But standing naked in front of a mirror is a different story. I've been training since the beginning of the year and I'm actually in great shape. I've slowly built nearly all my strength back. My upper body is defined, my abs are rock hard, and even my butt is much firmer (thanks to the Brazilian Butt Lift and 30 Day Yoga Sculpt). However, there is a pesky layer of fat on my thighs and tummy. Tummy fat is something I never had before and yes, it would be easy to just accept that this happens with age . . . but screw that. I'm not going down that easy. If I have to count some calories to make it go away then I'm willing to give it a shot.
It's been 5 days now that I'm tracking my food intake with a nifty smart phone app called The Daily Burn.
Every time I put something into my mouth I have to grab my phone and track it. This alone is motivation to NOT eat whatever snack I'm eying. Is it really worth the effort to track it? I can't tell you how many times I reached for "just a couple" M&Ms and realized that I have no easy way of tracking just 4 M&Ms so I go without. But the meals are pretty easy to track, especially with the purchase of the handy bar code scanner. All I need to do is scan the bar code of the product and it instantly adds all the nutrition information for me. This has proved very handy for my cocoa, bread, mayo, tuna fish, etc. Other foods may need to be manually entered (which can be cumbersome), but there is also a vast database of foods and you can always come pretty close to finding what you need.
It's been 5 days so far of food tracking and I can NOT believe how hard it is to stay within the limits. I didn't set these limits, but the app knows (based on your vital statistics and your weight goals) what they should be. So I'm supposed to stay within these daily limits:
Calories: 1491-1741
Carbs: 129-195
Fat: 31-53
Protein: 99-169
The calorie and fat limit is no problem to achieve. I normally don't eat too much and I certainly never have too much fat in my diet. But who knew that it's not the fat making us fat? It's the CARBS, which happens to be the staple of my diet. I was very foolish to think that I just needed to cut down on bread, pasta, and potatoes and all would be well. Little did I know that carbs are basically sugars and sugars are EVERYWHERE. Now I have to think twice before I reach for a piece of fruit, which still is not sitting well with me, but I'm willing to try this for a couple of weeks.
In addition to the impossible task of keeping my carbs down, I also realized that it's nearly impossible to get enough protein. I do not even want to know what my daily charts looked like before I started tracking. I'm sure I've been eating 6 times the amount of carbs I should and zero protein on a daily basis. Yesterday I ate tuna for lunch and cod for dinner and still didn't get enough protein. Today I had two eggs for breakfast, but I still have 45 grams of protein to reach my lowest limit and I only have one more meal left today. This is very challenging to say the least.
But I should add that after only 5 days of keeping somewhat within the limits listed above, my belly is much flatter and I really do feel like I made some quick progress. It sure is enough to make me want to do it again next week.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Acroyoga to Inspire
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Yoga for High School Students
Overloaded Teens? Take a Down dog!
With all the stresses that teens face with homework, team sports, college admissions tests, qualifying for students loans, the pressure of fitting in, awkward body changes and raging hormones, having a part-time job, doesn’t it make sense that yoga is a way for them to get calmer, chiller and more composed?
A recent study by Harvard University Division of Sleep Medicine, followed high school students that did a regular Kripalu program of yoga with physical postures, controlled breathing exercises as well as meditation and a relaxation period over 10 weeks with classes being 2 to 3 times a week.
Questionnaires were given to the high school students 1 week before the program and one week after. The main results of this were that the students well-being and ability to manage their emotions were greatly improved.
The yoga students found that their mood was greatly improved with yoga and they were less prone to anger, irritability and they had increased self-confidence and composure after regularly attending yoga classes during their PE period.
I know when I was an awkward teenager, I was pressured by my parents to get a 3.5 GPA or I wouldn’t be able to go out with my friends and use the car. Most of my friends were dating and had boyfriends so I felt like I had to have a boyfriend also….. Enter the hot and sophisticated German Exchange student.
I was also on the tennis team and when I first started it I was on the bottom of the team and felt like a loser. Having more self-acceptance about my place on the ladder would have helped me to handle my position better. I played about 2 to 3 hours of tennis about 5 times a week and was determined to not be on the bottom of the team ladder. I wonder how much more composed and collected I would have felt with a regular asana and meditation practice.
Most of my friends always got As and I always seemed to get B's even though we all studied together all the time. We all wanted to go to the top schools so my friends, parents and even friends of my parents all seemed to collectively put pressure on us to take the College Prep classes and only get A's.
I was also having lots of the normal teenage girl battles with my parents at the time over the cliche subjects, going out, curfew, homework, grades, boys, partying and had plenty of heated battles with them. I wish I had a tool at the time for being level-headed and to see things more objectively which would have made relations much smoother with less stand-offs. Yoga would have given me a tool to be less reactive and more even-keeled with all these difficult issues.
In addition to the demands of school, the pressure of getting good grades to get into a respectable college, battling with my parents, fitting in with my friends, the confusion of dating for the first time I worked part time as well. I had to learn to be more responsible in a professional manner for my conduct at quite a few different jobs as a teenager such as a camp counselor, pizza delivery girl (one of my favorite jobs ever) and a clerk at Seaworld (gotta love their otter show!)
I had to learn to use sound judgment and didn’t have my peers or parents immediately available to me. If I had had yoga at the time, I think I would have had a more developed intuition and trusted my inner guidance to help me navigate the world of work at such a young age.
Benefits of Yoga for High School Students
Are you a High School student that does yoga? Do you have kids that do yoga at school? What changes have you or have they noticed in all of these areas as a result of a consistent yoga practice?
Jasmine Kaloudis teaches beginner yoga, and romantic retreats in the Philadelphia Metro Area. She is the author of the top 100 Mind Body Spirit Websites list. Throughout her 15 year practice and teachings, Jasmine has experienced how yoga is a tool which allows us to experience our selves more fully and more richly. She specializes in working with yoga beginners, the stiff and inflexible as well as couples.
You can visit her on her yoga blog as well as:
Flicker Photos
Monday, April 23, 2012
Ahnu Karma Shoes - A Slice of Heaven for Your Feet
I recently got my first pair of Ahnu shoes and to say I'm thrilled with them would be an under statement. I have to admit I didn't have very high expectations for ballerina-type shoes. I have had many other pairs of similar shoes in my life and, for the most part, they were like walking barefoot. They never provided enough protection in the sole and there wasn't ever much in the way of support. But these Ahnu shoes blew me away. From the moment I slipped my bare feet into them I knew they were different from all the rest.
I got a pair of Karmas and these cute little shoes felt more like my running sneakers. They hugged my feet perfectly and the bottom insoles were actually supportive in the arch and provided some much needed cushion. They certainly passed the right-out-of-the-box test, but that was only the beginning. I have notoriously impossible-to-fit feet. They are very narrow and I have freakishly skinny heels. This means that I slide straight through most "slides" and my heel slips right out of just about every shoe that doesn't tie, buckle, or strap down over my foot. Any shoe that doesn't require me to strap it down usually turns into a flip flop, constantly flopping off my feet. This is something that drives me crazy and makes shopping for shoes a tear-envoking experience.
And that problem is what makes me love these Ahnu shoes the most. They are brilliantly designed with just enough elastic in the heel to keep them on my feet without digging into my heels. I've tried this style shoe before, but it resulted in a hole being bore into my heel due to the elastic being too aggressive. Ahnu somehow figured out the formula to make this design work.
So far I've worn them three places to put them to the test. First, I wore them to work (where I stand up at my desk all day long) and my feet were never happier for 8 straight hours. Next, I brought them on a business trip that required lots of walking through airports and strolling along the city streets of Chicago. I brought two pairs of shoes: these new Ahnus and another pair of shoes well-known for their comfort. The other brand (that we will leave unmentioned) have always been very comfortable, but when put to the test of walking for a couple of miles around the city, failed me. I ended up with blisters on the bottom of both big toes. The next day I slipped on my Ahnu's and even with pre-existing blisters, my feet were still in Heaven. I traveled back home in these and they will become my go-to travel shoe.
And the biggest test ever . . . I wore them out swing dancing last weekend. I've been swing dancing for years and I never ever walked out of a dance without sore feet. Wearing brand new shoes (with bare feet in them) was a huge gamble, but I had great confidence that these shoes wouldn't let me down – and they didn't.
In the two weeks that I've owned them I got at least a half dozen compliments on them. I think I found a new favorite brand and will soon be shopping for more styles and colors. Practice some Karma . . . be nice to your feet and your feet will be nice to you! Do yourself a favor and check out this brand. You can find them online here.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Not Your Typical Running Playlist
I recently took off for a run without paying much attention to which playlist I selected on my phone. Normally I mindlessly pick the playlist called "Running." So very creative, I know! But this time I decided to pick a different playlist called "Random Favorites." This particular playlist gets changed up all the time depending on my mood. I had forgotten that I recently filled this list with smooth, jazzy, relaxing songs in preparation for a cross-country flight. I like to plug my headphones in and totally zone out in relaxation on the airplane and this playlist was filled with songs that you should be listening to while sipping wine or slow dancing.
When I began my run and John Legend started to play I didn't think anything of it because he finds his way to many of my different playlists. But when Sade came on next, followed by Michael Buble I knew something was wrong. I didn't want to stop running and fiddle with my phone. That's something I stopped doing after upgrading my broken Droid with my new iPhone and it's just so blissful to never have to stop my workouts to fight with my phone. So I decided to just suck it up and listen to my slow grooves during the run.
What I discovered amazed me. The whole run seemed easier. I guess I was just relaxed and mellowed out. The music really set the tone for an easy-"listening" run. I found that I don't really need the typical thumping hip hop to get my heart racing. The running does that all by itself. Why not just kick back, relax, and enjoy the ride?
Hitting that playlist was indeed an accident, but I have a feeling that I'll be selecting it again on purpose in the future. You should give it a try. You might be surprised at how it can effect your run.
Monday, April 09, 2012
Natural Health Magazine Subscription Deal
How would you like a one year subscription to Natural Health Magazine for just $4.39? What a bargain for this ultimate guide to a healthy lifestyle! Packed with information on natural food and nutrition, organics, alternative health practices, exercises, self care and more. This deal is valid for brand new subscriptions, as well as renewals. All you need to do is click on the link below to be taken to the place where you can purchase the subscription. But here's the catch . . . this deal is only valid today, April 9th. Don't miss it. Just click on the link below.
Click here for the Yoga Journal Magazine Deal of the Day