Did you know that Saturday, January 23 is Yoga Day USA. On this day thousands of people across the country will come together for a history-making celebration where yogis, novices, couch potatoes and triathletes, young, old and everyone in between join together to stretch mind, body and spirit through the practice of yoga. In the spirit of karma yoga, or service to others, all Yoga Day USA classes and workshops are free — or nearly free. The brainchild of the Yoga Alliance, this powerful annual event is held in yoga studios, parks, beaches and private homes throughout the US. To find an event near you click here.
Unfortunately there are no events near me. Actually, there is no anything near me – one of the drawbacks to living in the boonies. But that’s OK. I have declared Saturday as my official ‘at home yoga day.’ I am resolving myself to coming up with my very first yoga class. On Saturday I’ll have only 3 days and counting to my first ever class. I’ve been told that my class attendance sheet is already over 18 students. Gulp. Deep breathes. I’m going to do fine . . . because I am a yoga instructor. Must keep reminding myself of that fact. I am a yoga instructor . . .
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