Today was another dreary, rainy, stormy low pressure day here in CT. It's getting to be the norm around here and I'm getting so used to feeling terrible that I almost forget what it feels like to not have a headache and an all over 'icky' feeling. I start off feeling pretty good in the morning, but as the day goes on I feel worse and worse. The 30 minute commute home from work always makes me feel even worse. By the time I get home all I want to do is sleep and today was one of those days. What a great time to test out this new neti pot.
I have to admit the thought of sticking this thing up my nose was a bit scary. I had no idea what to expect and I knew the first time was going to be the hardest. I survived it OK. During my first go of it I did have that moment of wanting to gag when the salty water touched my throat. But I quickly realized that I was holding my breath; exactly what the directions said not to do. So for the next side of my nose I made a better effort to breathe. Actually exhaling seem to do the trick.
The whole process only took about a minute and I have to say . . . I felt so . . . different. I am having a hard time trying to describe the experience. I really and truly felt 'cleaned out' and lighter. It was amazing and I can't wait to do it again tomorrow. What have I been waiting for all this time without one?
Here's a couple of links to articles that explain the proper technique, as well as the benefits of jala neti:
Scientific basis for jala neti
How to properly perform neti
Good luck!
I really like my neti pot experience. I tend to use the neti pot more during the seasonal allergy time, as if I don't I'll have stuff the proceeds to go down the back of the throat and then I'll lose my voice.
Pretty tough to teach yoga without the voice (at least for me).
I have some articles on the neti pot on my website at
I'm in Mongolia, and didn't bring my neti pot (mistake...Mongolia is so dry), so I bought a 11 ounce stainless steel tea pot. Just not the same experience, but it works!
I suffer from occassional allergies and I've used a neti pot on a couple of occassions when they were especially aweful and over the counter medicines were not helping..I found it helped a lot. Here's an article on webmd about neti pots.
urmaturlife (twitter)
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