Shopping is a sure fire way to brighten my day. I decided to search for some fun and unusual gifts and I hit the mother-load at Oprah gets to make her list of favorite gift ideas, so I decided that I should have my own! And unlike Oprah's, mine don't all cost over $500.
If you are looking for some cute, inexpensive gifts for friends or maybe even yourself . . . (and you already bought some adorable YogaDudes gifts) . . . then take a look at the list I compliled. For sure you will find something to bring a smile to you face. They can all be found on
Paula's Top 10 Unique Gifts

Things You Must Do To Make Me Happy Message Pad $6.99 - This is a MUST have. What a riot. Handy check-off list that clearly and simply expresses your mood and critical needs. Your husband will just love this :-)

Duh: It Will Make You Feel Smart Game $14.99 - Cute coffee table game that is fun to play with friends and family. And who doesn't want to feel smarter?

Emergency Martini Drink Set $10.49 - Might be needed before, during and after the holidays.

Dog "Oh Happy Day!" Latte Mug $13.99 - How could you not laugh when you see this?

Holy Chocolate Cocoa Mix Gift Can $12.99 - Anything named "Holy Chocolate" is a must have!

Stainless Steel Buddha Flask $29.99 - If the lotus position doesn't relax you, perhaps the liquid inside will.

Slang Flashcards $13.99 - Cultivates strong street-talk skills and natural-sounding slang use in mere days. Never know when this can come in handy.

Unauthorized Therapy Sessions Game $14.99 - After all the holiday stress, you may need this.

Decision Maker $11.99 - This is great for deciding if you should buy that silly present for your freind, if you should wear those silly shoes with your outfit, if you should go to that party that you dread, etc.

Work Farce Game $14.99 - A meaningless way to find meaningful work. Maybe a new career is in your future?